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Natural Disasters
& Health Center


   The Natural Disasters & Health CENTER (NDHC) is a comprehensive educational package designed to increase middle school students' knowledge of the health risks of natural disasters. The project is a perfect fit for science, health and related classes as well as in some guidance classes that include a career component. 


   The Natural Disasters & Health (NDH) project is based at Wheeling University and is funded by a cooperative agreement with the National Institutes of Health’s Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA). 


  The NDH CENTER includes: 

  • a companion suite of problem-based learning modules (PBL) to explore real-world disaster and health topics

  • PBLs with a socioscientific issues (SSI) focus that allows students to investigate community relavant problems that may be informed by science

  • support curriculum

  • teacher professional development resources

  • extensions and activities that supplement classroom disaster preparation and response activities.


Students who explore these NDH Center materials will gain a better understanding of:

  • health risks of disasters

  • body systems and injuries and illnesses related to disasters and how to avoid them    

  • immunologic responses to diseases

  • how vaccines work, and

  • non-disaster health risks such as vaping.


Our Goal

     We hope you find the site engaging and informative. Our goal is to twofold: to motivate students to explore health-related topics concerning disaster-related health risks and to assist teachers in delivering effective, engaging materials that increase students’ knowledge base, critical thinking skills, and interest in science careers. 



     We want to know what you think. If you have feedback, suggestions or questions about the Natural Disasters Health Center materials, please let us know.




©Wheeling University, 2023. All rights reserved.


This project is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R25GM132909. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.


Charles Wood, Manetta Calinger,  Jackie Shia, Debbie Tyrrell,
Lori Kudlak, Laura Ondeck, Wheeling University,
Wheeling, WV



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