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 Natural Disasters & Health Center


Welcome to the Natural Disasters Health Center (NDHC), a comprehen-sive educational package designed to increase middle school students’ knowledge of the health risks of natural disasters. The project is a perfect fit in science, health and related classes as well as in some guidance classes that include a careers component.

     In addition to the health risks of disasters content, students who use the Natural Disasters Health Center materials will gain a better understanding of body systems and injuries and illnesses and how to avoid them. Students will also learn about immunologic responses to diseases, how vaccines work and non-disaster health risks such as vaping.


The Natural Disasters & Health Center will include:


  • Problem-based learning modules

  • Socio-scientific issues learning modules

  • Career Directory and Resources

  • Teacher professional development (for problem-based learning in the classroom)

  • Support curriculum

  • Teacher Pages that provide support for PBL modules, questions in the Support Materials, and extensions for classroom activities

Other Components of NDHC

     Key Resources will contain a wealth of information about natural disasters for students and teachers in the human biological sciences. Students can browse through subjects or use the resources for research projects.

     Free Materials for Teachers will provide links to and describes free posters, lesson plans, learning guides, DVDs, and more on a variety of earth science and health topics. Fast Facts teaches interesting facts about body systems, health injuries and illnesses, and disaster health risks. For example: Did you know that medical science uses maggots to clean wounds from bacterial infections that do not heal well, or that some parasitic worms that live in intestines have no mouths or intestines and can be over 66 feet (over 20 meters) long?   

And, of course, everything is linked to Standards.

Our Goal

     We hope you find the site engaging and informative. Our goal is to twofold: to motivate students to explore health-related topics concerning disaster-related health risks and to assist teachers in delivering effective, engaging materials that increase students’ knowledge base, critical thinking skills, and interest in science careers.

Also Part of the NDH Project:

     Natural Disasters & Health is a live, role-playing simulation that engages students in a disaster-related health emergency. Student Triage and ER Specialists analyze patient symptoms to quickly diagnose and recommend treatment for an array of injuries and illnesses. A Disaster Assessment Coordination team manages the emergency situation, arranges for transport for victims to hospitals, and issues public health alerts on disaster-related dangers. Teams of students interact with a “Chief Medical Officer” to respond quickly to help prevent further injuries.  

Socio-Scientific Issues

1) Increase understanding of health issues related to real-life emergencies.

2) Increase awareness of societal issues that complicate decision-making in emergencies.

3) Increase student and family emergency and disaster preparedness.

4) Increase scientific literacy and promote critical thinking.


     We want to know what you think. If you have feedback, suggestions or questions about the Natural Disasters Health Center materials, please let us know.




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